April 20, 2023 0 Comments Lifestyle

Dental Emergencies 101: What To Do When You Chip, Break Or Knock Out The Tooth

What is that a random person notices in you when you’re walking down the street? Is it your walking style? Is it your grooming? Or is it what expressions you are carrying? The answer is all of the above. But expressions and facial features have a more prominent effect on people other than anything. Having a good smile comes from having perfectly aligned white teeth. Your teeth can be hurt in numerous ways, like a chip, crack or broken tooth. Damage depends on the intensity of injury and the health condition of your teeth.

You must see a doctor to rectify the situation unless it’s a minor injury. If you or any of your known are going through this problem, this article is for you. Let’s jump into this article to see what should be done under different circumstances and tips for properly treating chipped or knocked-out teeth.

First, A Few Things About Dental Injuries

When you hurt your teeth, there is a very high chance you may end up damaging other things; it’s called dental trauma. Teeth are enclosed by lips, tongue and jawbones, which hurts if anything happens to your teeth. Soft tissue damage to the mouth and dental trauma can be excruciating.

It is recommended by doctors if you have a fractured tooth brought along with you. Sometimes it’s possible it can be put back together, and immediately seek a dentist if you have suffered from any dental injury.

Broken Or Chipped Tooth

If you everbreak down and chip your tooth by any chance, the first thing you should do is find the broken piece, clean it and put it in milk and go see a dentist as quickly as possible. The dentist is fully equipped to put that broken fragment back in place. In case you are missing the fragment, don’t worry. The doctor will use the tooth-coloured filling material to build the remaining part.

The filling is required in case the back of the back tooth is broken. In cases where the tooth is badly damaged to the point where the roots are being exposed and it feels sensitive, root canal treatment is done, which involves removing the nerves from that place and filling it with a root filling.

Causes Of Chipped And Broken Teeth

Even after being extremely strong, they can wear and tear due to everyday stress and strain; here are some common causes for broken teeth.

  • Eating hard food.
  • Facial injury by any accident.
  • While playing sports
  • Not cleaning the teeth properly causes cavities in them.
  • The natural structure of teeth gets brittle after a period of time when an amalgam filling is done.

Things To Do If You Break Your Teeth

A broken tooth is unusual; you might not know what to do. These things will help you with the situation before you visit your dentist.

  • Clean your mouth with warm water.
  • Apply pressure on the area where it’s bleeding using a wet tea bag or gauze.
  • To reduce swelling, apply ice.
  • Try to cover any major cracks if possible.
  • To reduce pain, take paracetamol if the pain is excessive.
  • Cover your broken teeth in milk, saline or saliva.

Knocked Out Teeth

Knocking a tooth out is painful, especially if it’s from the root. A knocked-out tooth is a medical emergency. If you are an adult with a knocked-out tooth, try putting the tooth back in place till you reach your dentist. And if you cannot put the tooth back in place, put it in milk for the time being. Avoid trying anything by searching on the internet, as it’s the case when only a professional can help you. You might make matters worse by doing something that can complicate the procedure.

What To Do In Case Of Knocked Out Teeth

If your tooth is knocked out, then it can render you in a position where you might be confused about what to do next. Sometimes in shock people tend to take the wrong steps, which can be a problem in the long run. These steps will help you deal with the situation till you reach your dentist:

  • Find the tooth which is knocked out.
  • Hold it from the upper side, which helps chew or cut the food.
  • Clean the tooth if it’s dirty.
  • Try putting it back in position, ony for adult teeth and not for baby teeth.
  • Try keeping the tooth in place until you arrive at your doctor’s.
  • Prepare yourself mentally as you might not look the same as you used to before.
  • Do not apply anything in the area where your teeth are knocked out.
  • Immediately pay a visit to your dentist.

How To Keep Your Teeth Clean, Healthy And Strong

To have great looking teeth you need to take care of your oral hygiene. If your oral hygiene is on point, then the half job is done. Some of the tips to keep your teeth clean and healthy are:

  • Prevent gum disease. To have healthy teeth, you should have healthy gums.
  • Brush your teeth daily.
  • Flossing is necessary to keep it clean.
  • Have a routine checkup from dentist.
  • Avoid tobacco based products like cigarettes, chewing tobacco, smoking pipe or cigar.
  • Avoid excessive drinking; it should only be in moderation.
  • Don’t go to bed without brushing teeth.
  • Using fluoride toothpaste can help keep healthy gums as well as help fight tooth decay.
  • Drink more water it helps the gum not getting dry.


Dental emergencies like a knocked out tooth can arise at any time. You can fall on your tooth on the ground, which can cause such a kind of disaster. For such unforeseen events, you must have emergency contacts with you. If you are facing anything similar, you can contact an emergency dentist in Carlton by visiting this link to treat your problem right away before it gets messy.
